IztokTili Free advice on starting a business with a tax cash register TRONoffice je zaledna spletna aplikacija za upravljanje šifrantov, financ, materialnega poslovanja ter celovit pregled poslovanja z analizami. Služi kot podpora blagajniškemu sistemu TRONpos. Do TRONo...
Aleš Gorjup Postopek pridobitev namenskega digitalnega potrdila za davčno potrjevanje računov Ker se veliko srečujemo s problemom, da imajo stranke težave pri pridobitvi *namenskega digitalnega potrdila za davčno potrjevanje računov*, smo v ta namen ustvarili *video*, ki prikazuje pravilni pos...
Aleš Gorjup 7 vprašanj, na katera je potrebno odgovoriti pred nakupom gostinskega sistema Torej, odločili ste se za nakup novega informacijskega sistema in davčne blagajne za *gostinsko dejavnost*. Odlično, čestitamo! Učinkovit blagajniški sistem zagotavlja nemoteno opravljanje storitev, p...
AlexandraTosic Za koga je primeren POPOLDANSKI S.P.? Popoldanski s.p. je oblika podjetništva, kjer lahko fizična oseba, ki je drugje *redno zaposlena za polni delovni čas*, opravlja svojo dejavnost. Velikokrat je to začetek samostojnega podjetništva oz....
AlexandraTosic Do 50% popusta na določene artikle! Oglejte si ponudbo... * POPUST 50% * * OCOM TM1901 Touch monitor, 19''* * NOVA CENA: 187,25 € * STARA CENA: 374,49 € Kupite zdaj [1] POPUST 50% *Blagajna POS serija Apexa-G* NOVA CENA...
AlexandraTosic Cash register for efficient sending of orders to the bar or to the kitchen *Cash register for efficient sending of orders to the bar or to the kitchen * If you are the owner of a restaurant, you have probably experienced that the customer left before you even managed to de...
AlexandraTosic Changes in the hospitality industry **How to prepare for changes in the hospitality industry** Social distancing has changed consumer behavior and brought changes to the hospitality industry. Even if things seem to be going bad thi...
AlexandraTosic The most popular tax cash register Sunmi V2 PRO SUNMI V2 PRO is a versatile tax cash register device. It is equipped with an already built-in printer and a large touch screen through which you control it. SUNMI V2 PRO is especially suitable for ret...
MasaKolmancic Online store in just 48 hours **Online store in just 48 hours** Online shopping is more popular and desirable at the moment than ever before. This is why it is time to move your business online. Moving online may seem stressful, b...
MasaKolmancic Free advice on starting a business with a tax cash register The introduction of a tax cash register can cause us a lot of confusion and various questions. In addition, there is a very diverse supply of tax cash registers on the market today and it is often dif...
MasaKolmancic The procedure for replacing the cash register and the tax cash register provider **The procedure for replacing the cash register and the tax cash register provider ** Today, there is a very diverse offer of tax cash registers on the market. This is why it is often very difficult t...
MasaKolmancic Why move your physical store online? **Why move your physical store online?** An online store has proven to be a top opportunity to establish a successful and profitable online business. This is especially true at times when the need for...