Are you deciding on buying a tax cash register?
V priročniku odgovarjamo na vprašanja:
- How much does a tax cash register cost?
- What do I need to introduce a tax cash register?
- How to choose a provider?
Prijavite se in priročnik vam pošljemo na e-mail.
TRONpos odlikujeta enostavna uporaba in prilagodljivosti
Table reservation, meeting customer needs, setting tasks for employees, managing coupons and more...
All this and more can be done easily and quickly through the TRONpos cash register system.
Tax certification of invoices
Promotions and sales
Effective control
Flexibility and simplicity
Connection possibility
Kvaliteten in odziven servis
Active cash registers
Tax certified invoices per minute
Partners who trust us
We establish long-term partnerships with our partners and together we shape the way into the future